Hey there, fellow knowledge seekers! This site is your ultimate destination for F=ma physics exam resources, and soon, a treasure trove of various competition and exam questions across STEM subjects. Whether you're a physics enthusiast, a math whiz, or just someone looking to understand why things fall when you drop them (thanks, Newton!), this site has got you covered.
My goal? To make learning science and math easier, more organized, and way less boring than your average textbook. I’ll be constantly updating the site with practice problems, solutions, study tips, and my own learning journey, so stay tuned! 📖✨
Hi, I’m Lucas, an 8th grader from Oregon, originally from China. I have a deep passion for physics and math, especially the fascinating stories of Newton and Einstein (seriously, the apple incident deserves an award in science history). I love exploring the "whys" behind the universe, because to me, science is like a puzzle—full of surprises and challenges.
Beyond STEM, I have a wide range of interests! 🏀 I’m a huge basketball fan, and I follow the NBA closely. Whether it's analyzing stats, watching games, or practicing my own shots, basketball is a big part of my life. 🎮 I’m also into video games, enjoying everything from strategy and action to sports games—gaming is my way to unwind and have fun.
When I’m not playing ball, gaming, or pondering physics problems, I’m working on this website to help others explore the world of STEM. I’ll also be sharing my learning experiences, random thoughts, and anything that makes studying more enjoyable.
So, if you’re into science, math, basketball, the NBA, or video games, stick around—this journey is just getting started! 🚀🏀🎮🔢💡